Your first to step towards getting control of your money starts with a conversation. Click the link below to schedule yours!

How it works


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Let’s talk about the goals you have for your money


Make a decision that changes everything


The Savvy Steward Program

Signature Personal Finance 1:1 Coaching
12 Months | $350/month

Who is this program for?

The mid career woman who is a six figure or high income earner yet finds herself living paycheck to paycheck BUT she’s ready to finally get her finances together!

Most of us were not given a blueprint for how this money thing is suppose to work. Now you’re the one in the family that “made it”, but unbeknownst to everyone your financial situation is only a few steps ahead of everyone else’s. You probably live a comfortable but not lavish lifestyle, yet you still feel “broke” most of the time. You have the six figure salary success, but not the six figure financial success you expected when you started earning six figures and it’s a little disappointing.

The Savvy Steward Program is a private space for you to be heard without being shamed or ridiculed, its a judgement free zone to express the feelings of disappointment about not being where you thought you’d be financially.

Acknowledging these feelings and your past short comings with money without piling on more shame and blame is step number one. Asking for help to overcome whatever is hindering you is step number two.

The Savvy Steward is an invitation for you to step into a 12 month money transformation to help you create a better balance between your spending and saving habits. Over the 12 months you’ll:

  • Create a plan for your money to stop living paycheck to paycheck

  • Learn the proper way to budget without extreme restriction, deprivation or over micromanaging your money

  • Save for and cover financial emergencies without constantly wiping your savings account

  • Learn how to build guardrails around your spending

  • Stop relying on credit cards to finance your day to day life

  • Build the skills to manage your money with ease

  • Learn to love managing your money instead of stressed out and hating it

  • Know exactly where your money goes every month by making confident and intentional spending decisions

  • Watching your debt balances decrease instead of increase month over month.

Over twelve months you will learn how to manage money with a simple money management system and implement strategies to close the gap in four areas - Mindset, Skillset, Behavior & Stewardship. Together we will create a sustainable spend plan that incorporates your financial responsibility AND lifestyle.

During this program, my promise is that you’ll build more confidence, more organization, more clarity, feel more safe and less emotional about money in addition to less debt, more savings and excitement for your financial future!

“A healthy relationship with money means your money works for you rather than against you. You neither hoard it nor squander it. You neither avoid it or obsess over it. You see it as a tool to create a life of your own choosing.” Kara Stevens

The Savvy Steward Program

Signature Business/Personal Finance 1:1 Coaching
6 Months | $650/month

I help women business owners keep more of what they make!

Who is this program for?

Service based woman entrepreneur or solopreneur earning $75k to $250k annually and you are the one primarily managing the business finances.

This business financial coaching program emphasizes the financial fundamentals and is designed to help you elevate your finances with practical strategies, easy to follow instructions and step by step guidance.

You desire:

  • Support around both your business and personal finances

  • To be able to pay your self consistently, not just randomly pull money out to pay bills when they are due

  • To get organized and stop comingling your business and personal finances

  • Start setting aside money for taxes every month from your business

  • Get your “stuff” together NOW because your business revenue is steadily growing

The Savvy Steward is an invitation for you to be the financial steward you desire to be. Over 6 months we’ll:

  • Know your numbers - clarity of your personal and business finance numbers

  • Money Management System - establish separate cashflow management systems for personal and business

  • Master your budget - design and balance a monthly budget for your personal life & annual operating budget for your business

  • Define & Prioritize financial life and business goals - systematically save for priorities and pay off lingering debt

Together we will create a sustainable spend plan that incorporates your financial responsibility AND lifestyle.

As an organized business owner you’ll be able to:

  • Have a clear separation of personal and business funds

  • Know exactly what to pay yourself and how to consistently take a paycheck from your business

  • Track and manage cashflow and expenses with clarity and ease

  • Make revenue and cashflow projections for the entire year

  • Be in control of your money without overwhelm

  • Set aside money for your taxes every month

  • Understand your business profitability

Click the link below to answer a short questionnaire and schedule a discovery call to discuss how financial coaching could help you.

The Savvy Steward: 4 Week Intensive

a 1 Month Money Management Mentorship
$1,200 (payment plan available)

Not ready for a long term financial coaching program but you know it is time for you to do something about your money? This four session intensive might be the better option to jumpstart you on your path stop stressing over money. In four financial coaching sessions we’ll co-create:

  • Clarity of all your numbers - incoming cashflow, outgoing cashflow, “the gap”, debt and savings rate

  • A realistic budget for your everyday and unexpected expenses

  • A monthly money strategy and routine to manage your money with ease and less stress

  • A plan to pay down your debt with the exact debt free date

  • Identify top 2 financial goals and a clear path for next best steps

The 4 week Intensive includes four private 1:1 coaching sessions: one 90 minute kickoff session, followed by three 60 minute sessions.



What is financial coaching?

According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a financial coach is a trained professional who collaborates with and guides their clients to reach their financial goals, including:

•   Better money management skills
•   Improved savings, debt levels, and credit scores
•   More financial confidence
•   Increased goal attainment

Financial coaching enables clients to make progress in the area of their financial life that they identify as most important.

Financial Coaching with me enables you to take three game changing actions:

  1. Increase your level of personal financial responsibility & leadership with your income

  2. Deactivate problematic beliefs, behaviors and mindsets

  3. Build the financial momentum you need to get ahead financially

Accountability & support are built into the process—a coach does not manage your money for you, but instead provides the tools, knowledge to help you make informed and responsible financial decisions.

How does your 1:1 financial coaching process work?

All of my 1:1 clients start with a free discovery call, where we talk about (1) what they are currently experiencing (2) what they want to be experiencing (3) how financial coaching can help them bridge the gap.

After the YES to YOU:

  • You will pay your deposit to get started, upon payment you’ll receive a welcome email with your welcome guide AND the first 3 steps to get the process started:

    • Scheduling your 30 minute onboarding call

    • Scheduling your very first session - 2 hour kick off session to establish your financial baseline, there is prep work required to get ready for your first session, which you will receive via email immediately upon scheduling

    • Complete your client intake form - this helps me learn more about where you are financially and what you want to focus on

  • You’ll have a total of 20 private 1:1 sessions over 12 months, the first month we meet EVERY week, after that, we meet bi-weekly and monthly the final six months

  • You’ll have access to me via email and Voxer between scheduled sessions

  • You can bring any and every financially related issue to the table for discussion, brainstorming, strategizing…….you have my eyes, brains and strategy on your finances to get personalized solutions to your very specific issues

  • Over twelve months we’ll work through the Savvy S.T.E.W.A.R.D method to help you develop and grow into the financial Steward God has called you to be:

    • S - Build Your Skills, Strategy & Systems

    • T - Tackle Your Debt

    • E - Evaluate Your Spending

    • W - Understand what the Word of God says about Stewardship

    • A - Assess Your Numbers

    • R - Renew Your Relationship With Money

    • D - Delegate Your Dollars

  • During my program, my promise is that you’ll build more confidence, more organization, more clarity, feel more safe and less emotional about money in addition to less debt, more savings and excitement for your financial future!

What’s the difference in a financial coach and financial advisor/planner?

A financial coach helps you get on track with how you manage your money on a day to day basis. A financial coach guides you in creating goals and supports you in implementing and achieving them. Financial coaching is different from any other finance-related job. CPAs help you with your taxes. Financial advisors help you with investments. Financial coaches work with you to create plan for your money day to day and help keep you on track to that plan.

Another way to explain it is a financial coach assist with the short term, day to day money management, an advisor assists with the long term, investment and portfolio growth as well as some insurance needs. A coach helps you find the money to invest in your budget, an advisor tells you where to invest that money. While coaches can provide basic education on the concept of investing, we are not licensed to provide financial advice like financial advisors are, and therefore cannot provide specific product recommendations. As a financial coach, I also do not sell any financial or investment products.

You could benefit from having both on your money team, but they may be required at different seasons of your life.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes of course!


What is the process to bring Emily to our campus or workplace?

It all begins with a strategy call with Emily and your organization’s decision makers to co-create your vision and discuss your needs and desires.

After learning what you need and the available budget, we will send you a formal proposal (additional call to discuss proposal if needed), upon acceptance of the proposal, a contract and invoice will follow. Typically, after the contract is signed, the date is locked in and we start our onboarding process. 

Our onboarding process is designed to make everything as easy as possible for you. We’ll even create the event graphics and write you sample emails to send out to promote the event. 

There is also a pre-event call before the event and a wrap-up call after the presentation is complete. If it's virtual, we will provide you with log-in details to accommodate your group. 

The Process:

Strategy Call > Proposal > Contract > Invoice > Onboarding > Pre-Event Call > Event > Wrap-up Call

What are your typical program prices for Early Career Financial Wellness Programing?

Each of our programs are unique and tailored to your organizational needs, so pricing will vary. That stated, $1,500 is the entry-level point, and pricing ranges up from there. If you have a smaller event and/or you simply can't budget Emily, still book your call and we can see if we or another speaker in our network can help.

Need a custom talk?

If your audience’s financial needs are different than what is presented on our speaking page, please contact me to customize a talk that is more suitable. Other financial wellness speaking topics include Money Mindset, Debt Elimination, Budgeting, & Financial Goal Setting