Meet Your Financial Coach

My story

I made some of the biggest money mistakes of my life in my late 20s and early 30s. They were so big and so bad that I thought I would never recover financially. My income, my credit score, and the financial stability of my life all took a hit that made me feel like I was doomed financially for the rest of my life. That time in my life was defined by foreclosure, living paycheck to paycheck on a multiple six figure salary and overwhelming debt of all kinds - car loans, student loans, credit card debt, medical debt, you name it we had it. In addition, there was so much shame and embarrassment, I couldn’t even bring myself to share with my parents or my closest friends how my financial life was imploding right before my eyes. This was 2008-2009, right in the middle of the Great Recession, when the real estate bubble burst…..sigh.

When my husband and I had to foreclose on our own home (in addition to 4 rental properties), I simply said “we got rid of it”, when friends asked what happened with our home. I couldn’t even say the words to friends who I call family because I was so ashamed. Friends who love me and would never judge me or make me feel bad about what I was going through.

That is the power of financial shame and I allowed it to keep me silent and suffering through one of the toughest periods of my young adult life. I now know that exposing it by talking about it and asking for help is the one true way to overcome shame, particularly for the shame we experience with money. Part of my mission today is to help women slay the shame that keeps them stuck and suffering financially despite being accomplished leaders in their careers and great income earners for their families.

Over a decade from the toughest period of my entire financial life, I know that past financial mistakes don't disqualify you from future financial success. I know that there’s always an opportunity to get ahead financially, you just need to start with what you have and what you know and I know it’s never too late to prioritize your financial health and I have now devoted my entire financial coaching practice to getting the word out!

The day that you decide to just start, is the perfect day for you to step into the financial future that each of us is capable of creating, no matter where you are starting from AND no matter if you are in your 30s, 40s, or 50s. 

I’m Emily Maclin, I'm in my early 40s and I’m striving to create a financial legacy I can be proud of and I teach other women how to do the same! 

I left a 20 year corporate finance career built at two Fortune 100 companies (Aerospace & Agriculture industries), to build my business as a Financial Coach helping women design financial legacies for their families and their future. I have a background in corporate accounting, financial analysis, business management and a masters degree in business administration, but most importantly I have a background in overcoming financial setbacks and that is what makes this a great place for you to start your own financial comeback!

My financial literacy knowledge is helpful, but it’s the experience of building the confidence, competence and consistency to overcome financial setbacks, even the self imposed ones, that truly makes financial coaching with me a profitable experience for you!

I’m a mom of 3, a wife of 15 years, the oldest of three siblings, a woman of God and I take this divine assignment to help women overhaul their relationship with money very seriously. My values are compassion, personal leadership, faith and family!

I love God, my family, serving and empowering women, reading, eggs, pickles, girls trips, real estate, natural hair and seafood! I’m glad you are here and I can’t wait to serve you!

Ready to Slay the Shame!